Land plot for sale, Gulbji, Vecdaugava / 105000€

Location:Rīga, Labais krasts, Vecdaugava
Area:5510 m²
Price:105 000 € (19.1 €/m²)

Property description

Land for sale, 1st line by the water. 5510 m2 plot of land in Mangalsala, bordering the Vecdaugava.

Half of the territory of the property has salid ground, a forest of mixed trees growing there, closer to the water the soik is wetter, it is covered by shrubs. Next to the plot there is an inhabited area of ​​summer cottages.

  • Location: sea nearby, river nearby, forest nearby
Property ID number: 60151

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Ināra Cērpa
Ināra Cērpa Agent
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