Retail premises for sale, Mūkusalas street, Torņkalns / 3000000€

Location:Rīga, Kreisais krasts, Pārdaugava (tuvā)
Building type:Special project
Area:5200 m²
Land area:9458 m²
Price:3 000 000 € (576.9 €/m²)

Property description

Multifunkcionāls objekts ar skatu uz Daugavu.

Tuvā pārdaugava, Mūkusalas iela 51.

Īpašumā 4 ēkas ar kopējo platību 5200 kvm.

Zemes gabals 9458 kvm.

Teritorija iežogota ar mūra sētu, ir 2 iebrauktuves: no Laivu ielas un no Mūkusalas ielas.

Īpašumam autonoma gāzes apkure.

Pilsētas ūdens un kanalizācija.

Labi attīstīta infrastruktūra, blakus sab. transporta pieturvieta.

Kvartāla attālumā t/c "Riga Plazza".

Salu un Akmens tilti "rokas stiepiena" attālumā.

Ļoti intensīva auto plūsma.

Objekts ir iznomāts.

Detalizētāk pēc pieprasījuma.

  • Finishing: very good condition, final finishing, tile flooring, laminate flooring, carpet flooring, concrete flooring
  • Layout: premises both isolated and connected
  • Building description: entrance from the facade side, double glazed windows, courtyard building, facade building, special project building, renovated building
  • Location: river nearby, shops and cafes nearby, convenient public transport, intensive vehicle traffic
  • Parking lot: parking in the courtyard, free parking on the street
  • Area, type of retail premises: for medical company, hostel/hotel, sports club, shop
  • Communications: gas heating, internet available, optic internet available, high electrical power, city water supply, city sewage
  • Security: alarm available, closed territory, closed and guarded territory
Property ID number: 38627

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Tatjana Šapošņikova
Tatjana Šapošņikova Agent
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