Land plot for sale, Klajumi, Jaunmārupe / 530600€

Location:Mārupes novads, Jaunmārupe
Land usage type:Land for mixed construction
Area:37900 m²
Price:530 600 € (14 €/m²)

Property description

A plot of land near the reservoir itself - in Jaunmārupe.

A regular-shaped plot of land with a 125-meter shoreline along the Bērzciem reservoir.

The property is located in the "Construction areas of business and crew facilities".
A building plot with very wide building possibilities - the construction of multi-apartments, offices, shops and other types is allowed.
The maximum building density is 60%, a maximum of 5 floors is allowed.

I am attaching a photo from the visualizations of the Rail Baltic and A5 ring road development plan, which shows that there will be a Rail Baltic stop nearby, an access road along the A5 highway will come to this plot of land (in pink in the picture) and, in general, this region will be seriously developed.

There is a gas connection on the adjacent plot of land, and an electric line runs along the plot of land. At the moment, a village of private houses is being developed next to it, an access road is being built and the other communications to which it will be possible to connect - city water and sewerage.

An excellent place to build a multi-apartment house, as there is a very high demand for residential areas in Jaunmarup.

Feel free to call and I'll give you more details.

  • Location: lake nearby, shops and cafes nearby, schools and kindergartens nearby, convenient public transport, intensive vehicle traffic
Property ID number: 47482

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Niks Gauručs
Niks Gauručs Agent
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